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Domestic Violence & Abuse

Domestic Violence & Abuse

Domestic violence is the use of physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationship. Including emotional / psychological abuse or harassing behaviour. This abuse can happen at any time during the relationship. One person tries to maintain power and control over another through abuse or violence.

Warning signs may be:

  • – Feeling like you can’t live without him/her
  • – Wanting to end the relationship, but are too afraid
  • – You stop seeing friends and family
  • – Feeling harassed or controlled about who you see, what you do, who you talk to
  • – Having to ‘Walk on Eggshells’ to keep the peace
  • – Believe that jealousy is a sign of love
  • – Feeling pressured to do things you don’t want to (like having sex)
  • – Thinking that you are the only one that can help them

If you, or someone you know have been affected by the above, or you just want information on how to cope, from a past or present experience. We have resources that we can share with you to help overcome some of the hurdles. Reach out to us 519-600-4108 or email